Thursday, January 25, 2007


Junior Year Struggles

So now that I have caught everyone up on how I got here... let me snap you to the present time and the second semester of my Junior year here at U of M. I am currently taking 14 credits (I started out the semester with 17 but quickly determined that was too much and dropped a class), including a Senior Honors Seminar, 3rd Year Polish language, Political Science of Eastern Europe, and Human Physiology. I work around 20 hours a week at two jobs (down from the three I had last semester) . I am currently rehearsing for a musical my church youth group is doing, sing in the Newman Choir at St. Mary's Student Parish, coordinate readers at the aforementioned church, and am also a Sunday School teacher. So in between reading articles for my seminar, studying political parties of inter-war period Eastern Europe, and learning about parts of the human body, I find time to sleep, watch one or two of my favorite TV shows, exercise, eat (usually on the go) and update this blog. ;)

It's hard finding a balance between all these things. For example - last night I went to bed early (around 11p) and woke up feeling refreshed and more awake than I have in the past month, but I forgot to do my Polish homework. I always have a to-do list of assignments and meetings that is never cleared, because for each item I check off, another springs up to take its place.

Friday, January 19, 2007


Two weeks into the new semester...

... and I am already sick. Everyone is coming down with something - I think flu season at the UofM has begun. Above my bed I have an article on "12 ways to fight off colds, flu" and I think I have followed maybe two of the twelve rules (which may explain my failing health). I have included them for your viewing pleasure:
1. Drink water
2. Reduce stress
3. Develop a more positive mental outlook
4. Do something soothing
5. Choose a good source of protien
6. Get some exercise
7. Don't smoke
8. Get your daily vitamin C
9. Wash your hands
10. Get the flu vaccine
11. Get some sleep
12. Laugh more

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